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This week’s story is about the MASSIVE $150 billion dollar human trafficking industry that runs right through Birmingham every day!

What is Human Trafficking Exactly?

Homeland security’s ‘Blue Campaign’ says that human trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit someone for labor or commercial sex. Any minor exploited for commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking. And, Birmingham has a major role in estimated $150 billion dollar per year industry.

We’ll explain why, but first here are 9 extremely worrying facts about the human trafficking trade that everyone in Birmingham should be aware of.

9 Scary Facts That Every Birmingham Parent Should Know

  1. Currently, the number of individuals who are enslaved surpasses any previous point in world history, with an estimated 27 million people subjected to modern-day slavery worldwide.

  2. Of the estimated 27 million slaves in the world today, about half are children.

  3. It is estimated that 2 children are trafficked into sexual exploitation every minute.

  4. Human trafficking is currently ranked as the second-largest criminal industry globally, following closely behind the illegal drug trade. It is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, and experts predict that it may soon surpass the drug trade to become the largest criminal industry worldwide.

  5. It is estimated to be a $32-$150 billion dollar industry annually.

  6. 80% of human trafficking victims are female. However, males are victims, too.

  7. The average age of entry into sex trafficking as a victim is 11-14 years of age and exploitation can continue for years.

  8. It is estimated by experts that, as many as 300,000 children are in danger of being exploited for prostitution annually. Pimps often target vulnerable individuals such as runaway youth, homeless minors, or children who have experienced abuse or neglect.

  9. Human trafficking poses a significant and immediate threat to both Alabama and its communities, with reported cases of trafficking spanning across the state. Cases have been reported in Montgomery County, Birmingham, Fort Payne, Madison County, Huntsville, Albertville, Guntersville, Dothan, and Mobile.

Why is Birmingham a Hub for Human Trafficking?

The reason why Birmingham has become a ‘hub’ for human trafficking is the same reason why Birmingham had a boom in the steel industry: our centralized transportation. The North-South and East-West railroads made it extremely convenient to produce and transport steel in and out of Birmingham and the intersections of I-20, I-65 and I-59 make Birmingham a centralized spot for many different trafficking cities to convene in.

Homeland Security says that I-20 is the most trafficked stretch of interstate in the ENTIRE country. So much so, that the 140 mile stretch of interstate from Atlanta to Birmingham is called ‘the sex trafficking super highway”

What Can Be Done To Solve This Problem?

Birmingham City Government and Law Enforcement Officials are constantly aware of and coming up with different solutions to rescuing victims and imprisoning perpetrators. The FBI and Homeland Security are on constant lookout for known traffickers and possible victims and they catch them all the time.

The issue is that the problem is so massive in scale that it comes down to the eyes of the general population to really make a difference and stop the traffickers that slip through the cracks of law enforcement.

Make sure that you are aware of the red flags when you see them out in public. You can read the red flags from the Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force here —> Human Trafficking Red Flags for General Public (PDF)

Here’s some safety tips for parents too

  • Be vigilant about the types of apps your children have on their phones and to understand the potential dangers associated with them. For example, apps with direct messaging capabilities can give predators and strangers access to your children.

  • Be aware of ‘secret’ vault apps that kids have on their phones to hide pictures and videos. Normally the apps are disguised as other apps, like a calculator.

  • Tell your kid not to communicate with or accept friend requests from individuals they do not know, and to review their friends lists periodically.

  • Having open and honest conversations with your children about the potential risks associated with online activity is also critical. This includes discussing the dangers of sexting and explicit photos, and emphasizing that once something is shared online, it can never be removed!

  • Ensure that your children feel comfortable coming to you if something does not feel right or if they have concerns about their online activity. By establishing an open-door policy and a plan for addressing potential issues, you can help to protect your children from online predators and other potential risks.

It is up to us as a community to be aware of this massive problem plaguing our city and to keep the pressure on our government leaders to provide more solutions and resources to halt this issue in its tracks.

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